The Mysterious DWM commercial Maxim Gun
After the expiratory of seven years “leash agreement” between DWM and Vickers in 1898, DWM started to take foreign sale orders from such as Russia, Swiss. According to Goldsmith’s research the earliest known DWM Maxim gun sold to China was in 1913. Nevertheless, documents of Imperial China government indicate that China had bought commercial Maxim guns before DWM started to export MG09. At least dozens of DWM commercial Maxim guns were sold to China through 1911. At the beginning of 1908, both Sichuan province and Yunnan Province bought dozens of German Maxim guns. These guns were to arm its provincial “New Army”. During the period, Sichuan ordered 20 German guns through Telge & Company at price of 2600 Marks and Yunnan ordered 18 German Maxim guns alongside 6 Madsen guns through Carlowitz & Co at a “higher price than Sichuan’s order”. Governors-General of Yun’gui reported that Yunnan’s Maxim guns were manufactured by a Germany company “Lu fou”, Chinese transliteration of “Lo...