Mauser in China: K98k, the last Mauser-China Contract
The Second Sino-Japanese War outbroke on July 7 1937. At this point, China domestic rifle production amounted to 80000 pieces a year. Huge loss of weapons and machinery forced China to acquire extra small arms from Europe. Within 6 months after outbreak of the war more than 150000 rifles having been ordered from FN and ZB. 1938 Chinese K98k Contract Although China did not award first order to Mauser until February 1938, Chinese government requested German government to provide 100000 rifles right after Japanese full scale invasion in July 1937. In early 1938, the quantity further increased to 300000 rifles which request had never being fulfilled. German government’s reluctant to provide rifles to China compelling Nationalist government to seek a commercial contract. Chinese official Tan Boyu ( 商務專員處專員譚伯羽 ), the Representative of Chinese Commercial Office in Berlin, was deputed by Central Military Committee of Nationalist Government to negotiate a rifle contract with Mauser Company. Th...