Mauser in China: A study of Chinese Mauser Mod.1907
This only is a summary of my study. 2022 update: the temporary table of contents of Mod.07 research I. China adopting small bore rifle 4 1.1 Qing government’s military reformation after Sino-Japanese War 4 1.2 Envision of a small-bore rifle caliber 4 1.3 China adopting 6.8mm caliber and the debate 7 II. The Chinese Rifle 14 2.1 Trial rifles: Mauser, C.G.Haenel and ŒWG 14 2.2 Mauser-China Mod.1904, 1907 Contracts 22 2.3 ŒWG-China Mod.1908/10 contract 45 II. In China: Adopting, Trials, and Evolving 47 2.1 The Imperial Period 47 2.2 The Republic Period 52 III. Mauser Mod.1907 in China: Domestic Production ...