Gongxian Arsenal 1907 Rifle crest and SN Research

Gongxian Arsenal was built in 1921 that entered rifle production in 1928. Gongxian’s copy of 1907 referred to in China documentations as Gongxian 79 rifle, Gongxian Mod.98 and Gongxian Type Year 1.

Read more about serial number survey:https://surplused.com/index.php/2020/11/01/survey-chinese-gongxian-98-rifle-1907-copy-serial-number/

In spring 1923, Gongxian Arsenal started to build new factories for small arms production and the new factory completed in 1925. Initially to produce Mauser C96 pistol, in 1928 started to produce Mod.1907 rifle.  Based on its technical improvements and external features, I divide Gongxian’s production into three blocks.

Block 1 production from 1928 to 1933.6, serial number from K0001 to KA74000 (speculation). At this period, Gongxian rifle adopted a Hanyang 88 pattern barrel which only compatible with M.88 ammunition. Allowing me digress a little bit here, we’ve known both Gongxian and Guangdong Arsenal’s stick to M.88  rifling when they initialed 7.9 cal production. Block 1 Gongxian’s rifle does not have a taper on the rear end of magazine follower, so you have to manually push down the follower to close the bolt when gun is empty.

Block 1 Receiver Crest (Prior to 1933.7)

At the beginning of 1933.7, Gongxian 1907 had its first technical improvement. They began to add a taper to the magazine follower. Block 2 production from 1933.7 to 1934.2, serial number from around KA74000 to KA100000. A new type of receiver crest also was implemented on.

Block 2 Receiver crest (1933.7-1934.1)

The major improvement of Gongxian 1907 rifle happened in 1934. From February 1934, Gongxian replaced original barrel with Mod.98 stepped barrel and rifling which improvement was based on Type 13 rifle’s blueprint. Block 3 production from 1934.2 to 1935.8 when the arsenal turned to produce Mod.24 (Chiang Kai Sheik). Gongxian Arsenal produced 20300 rifles in 1933 and produced 20910 rifles from January to July 1935 (I have specific numbers of each month). I might guess Gongxian produced up to 140000 rifles from 1928 to July 1935. Then Gongxian ceased 1907 rifle production.

Block 3 copied not only Type 13’s barrel and rifling, they also mimicked Type 13’s serial number pattern that is a four point star plus numbers. This block SN started from 100000, I think this number must be following previous production. This new method of SN also, I believe, acts as an external feature to distinguish new productions from former barrel profile and rifling ones.

Block 3 Receiver Crest (1934.2-1935.8)

 "four point star" mark added to the front of six digits serial number on side of receiver ring. This new marking is same to the one on Mukden T13. A ICAC crest Type 1 rifle claimed to be made by Guangdong arsenal also has same marking on its bolt handle. Perhaps, Guangdong did same changing at some time point?


  1. You say you have production numbers for each month. It would be interesting to have that information on your essay. Please, would you add that? Thank you for your efforts.


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